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It's a...

Baby, just one, and it wiggles. That's what we learned today from the MFM specialist, Dr. H. The due date is still iffy, in my opinion, but it'll be the first half of Feb sometime.

I was given all the ins and outs of the screenings and tests available. I explained that I'm not worried about things unless it's something that requires a change in care or delivery plan. We'll do the basic stuff and have plenty of ultrasounds.

The doctor asked what resources I found to be helpful when we got Braska's diagnosis. So I had an opportunity to talk about everything from our local group in Champaign to the blogs and forums that really made the difference for me. I let him know that I always want to be available to any practices that I'm involved in with work or as a patient if they have a situation where I can be of help. This is the office that delivers prenatal diagnoses to women, so I love that he is open to learning how to do it in a more helpful way. I told him of Braska's blog and he asked if he could write it down to share. I had blog cards with me, so I gave him a couple and said I'd be happy to talk to anyone if they ever thought it would be helpful. But often, it's much less intimidating for someone with new fears and questions to be able to simply look through a blog or forum than it is to talk to someone. So I'm so glad that we might be able to help someone get a more realistic view of Down syndrome and put a cute little smiling face with the big bad diagnosis.


  1. Yay on the one wiggling baby!

    This is great. I love that your blog may help even more New Mommies. This is the main reason I even have a blog. Well that and I will have a virtual scrapbook for the kiddos when they get older. I wish I was part of the bloggy world when T was a newbie it sure would have helped me through that first year.

  2. Hooray for wiggling babies! Great!

    And that is awesome that you are a resource for other new parents. So cool!

  3. Hooray for wiggling baby! Nicely done. ---Jen

  4. Yay for wiggling babies!

    That's great that you handed out your cards. I was happy when my doc asked if I would be willing to talk to someone if they got a DS diagnosis. You and Braska will be wonderful teachers!

  5. There's not two? I was so hoping for a crop of babies.

  6. I just want to let you know that I have learned a lot from your sites. Haveing this here makes me a little less worried if it were to happen to me. I got a long with Muncher when he worked with me and was very excited to hear that he (and you) were going to be parents. I am very excited for you to be as open as you are with this and I also learned stuff about insurance. Thanks

    Jessi (busey in Champaign)

  7. Yippee for the baby! Horray for helping to educate more people on DS. I can honestly say that I would have been so scared and clueless before you had Braska and now I am confident that we would be overjoyed to have a little one with DS some day. Seeing what a blessing Braska is to you is such an amazing testimony to those around you. You have truly given me a new perspective. Thanks:-)

  8. I ditto everyone elses comments - kudos to that dr too for looking into ways to keep his/her patients informed!

  9. Quite simply there couldn't be a more cute face to see on your blog. I love Braska's smiling face every time I visit your blog Randa. You guys ROCK!

  10. Yippee for the little wiggle worm!
    That is wonderful how you can send such a positive message to doctors and their patients! I've thought about making cards myself for my OBGYN. I've told Mattie's doctor to please give my information to future patients that may want to talk or check out my blog. Cards to pass out would be great!

  11. That is so great of your doctor's office. Not all doctors are so willing to find out what is helpful for parents.


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