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Young but talented arranger

Lately KiKi has been taking to all kinds of new creative endeavors…

She’s been into painting, play-d*h, stickers, coloring, and fashion choices. 

Most recently, she is all about the singing.  Maybe it’s that one show with that Seacr*st guy on it… she’s seen a few seasons of that now.  On Tuesday evening, she took to her “stage” (aka laundry basket upside down) and put on a little show. 

I was impressed with her arrangement of the old classic.  Some nice inflection, making it her own. 

Then she moved on to another favorite…

Again, showing some interesting choices in musicality.  The whisper effect is nice.  The sudden southern accent is a little surprising. 

The little “arm out then swing across the body for a bow” move is new as well. She rocks it. 

She is NOT always this agreeable to being captured by the camera, so I’m glad to get these little shots.

The other thing she has taken up, as in just yesterday, is taking pictures with my camera.  It’s a very small simple point and shoot.  And don’t forget that SHE has a very cool kid’s digital camera that she got for her birthday last year.  But suddenly, she prefers mine… 

And honestly, they weren’t too bad for the first day…  (She named these herself. No editing done.)




Floor Toe

Braska Arm

Maybe this will be the beginning of years of great photography. 

Don’t miss the little logo/watermark… created with her favorite pooch.  She’s savvy. And Mommy has exposed her to plenty of photography websites…


(Don’t worry Pean*ts trademark people… no money being made here.  )


  1. She definitely has a flair for syncopated rhythm. We are a rhythmic bunch :o)

  2. oh my, that was ADORABLE!
    boing - boing - boing


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