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Showing posts from January, 2012

Moon smiling

I’m watching “A Smile as Big as the Moon” on my DVR right now.  I’m about 25 minutes in and so far it’s cool.  And it doesn’t hurt that there’s a particularly handsome young man featured.  I might be biased.  Anyone else see it this week?? 

Tell me once again

It’s been a rough week. Heck, in some ways it’s been a rough month. Few months.  I can’t so much elaborate, but it has definitely brought about the need for some important reminders… **It doesn’t matter what she thinks, it matters what HE thinks about me, and He thinks I am “wonderfully made.” Ps. 139:14 **When the love around me and hope for my future seem no longer sure, HE will not fail me. HIS love is unfailing.  Ps 33:22 ,   Jer 29:11 **My silent tears are not unnoticed. HE comes to my comfort.  Ps 145:19 And music is always the avenue that reaches me in the strongest way… “You are God, You are God, Of all else I’m letting go… I’m running to your arms, I’m running to your arms, The riches of YOUR love will always be enough.” --Hillsong “Forever Reign” “In the mirror all I see is who I don’t want to see, Remind me who I am… Tell me once again who I am to YOU… If I’m you’re beloved, can you help me believe it?” --Jason Gray “R...

Young but talented arranger

Lately KiKi has been taking to all kinds of new creative endeavors… She’s been into painting, play-d*h, stickers, coloring, and fashion choices.  Most recently, she is all about the singing.  Maybe it’s that one show with that Seacr*st guy on it… she’s seen a few seasons of that now.  On Tuesday evening, she took to her “stage” (aka laundry basket upside down) and put on a little show.  I was impressed with her arrangement of the old classic.  Some nice inflection, making it her own.  Then she moved on to another favorite… Again, showing some interesting choices in musicality.  The whisper effect is nice.  The sudden southern accent is a little surprising.  The little “arm out then swing across the body for a bow” move is new as well. She rocks it.  She is NOT always this agreeable to being captured by the camera, so I’m glad to get these little shots. The other thing she has taken up, as in just yesterday, is taking p...

Then and Now: My girl

Just looking over old pics today, hunting a couple for M’s new digital picture frame…  Came across this one… pre-OHS, heart failure worsening, but stylish nonetheless. Almost exactly 5 years later… healthy as a miniature 5-year-old can be. With twice the attitude… Sometimes I wish I could go back a few years, do a lot of things differently.  But for just this split second, it’s all ok. Her heart’s fixed and she’s a spunky little chatterbug who loves playing with her sister.  If that’s all the happy I have left (and I’m sure it’s not), then I can’t complain.

Well it’s about time

I mean, come on.  You’re gonna be 3 next month.  I was getting concerned about your development. Really.  Reading at a first-grade level is great and all, but you gotta be able to do more than “just” read.  Whew.  Now I don’t have to worry….. Nice writing, little sis. And spelling, too. (More over here … including video from earlier in the week. Really good stuff.)

Love/Hate interchange

In the playroom, while I’m folding laundry in the living room a few feet away… K: Braska, are you silly? B: No, I’m happy. K: Braska, do you love me? B: No. K: Why do you not love me? B: (Almost sweetly) Because I will hate you… (See here for more on this odd response…) K: You hate me???  (Pause) Braska, we don’t say hate. We don’t say that word. Then the play continues. No hard feelings. (Any input on the strange “why” response always being the “hate you” thing?  Feel free to share.)

I’m done at noon

That’s what I said last night before I went to bed.  I was scheduled to work from 6:45am to 12pm.  I left the house at 6:37am and arrived back home at 1:40pm.  Only to almost literally throw clothes on the girls so they could hop in the van and go back with me by 2:00pm. M had to go do a side job, and there was a baby shower for a coworker at the branch.  So the girls came with me.  Oh, and I still hadn’t eaten my breakfast apple I took with me at 6:37am. When that was done at 3:15pm, I clocked in again in order to finish what had to be done today and I left the rest to work on tomorrow when I’m there again for another 5.75 hours.  The girls waited somewhat patiently until I clocked out again at 4:30pm. Thankfully, another coworker was gracious enough to play silly song games and entertain them for a lot of that time. Best laid plans…  Most days I don’t miss the responsibility of management. Occasionally, though, I sure wish I had the power t...

The joy of being Kinlee

She makes me smile, she makes me yell, she makes me laugh… She’s Kinlee. Kinlee is the Braska translator and analyzer. Braska speaks well and often, not really needing someone to speak for her at home.  But her sister will often pipe up and clarify what she said.  And she always adds a commentary on how Braska feels about it or what her motivation for the statement or request was.  Very helpful.  Or maybe just amusing, usually.  We do have to tell her regularly that she has to let Braska make her own choices and say what she wants or needs.  Braska would be happy to let Kinlee speak for her most of the time, but recently, she has taken to getting a bit miffed when KiKi interjects, yelling “It’s Braska’s turn! My turn!”  Recently Braska asked for milk, KiKi said, "I'll get her milk!"  She went into the kitchen, opened the fridge, climbed up on the ledge and grabbed the milk. Then she brought it to Braska and told me, ...

Re-entry via Random Street

Hopefully by now most of you have realized that we have not vanished into vapor and that I have, in fact, just been unable to blog in the preferred regular-and-with-worthwhile-content manner.  But after being gone, missing so much that has been so bloggable (IF it were not that I have too thoroughly mixed the IRL and blog worlds), where does one begin again? Who knows. So I’ll just throw out some stuff that’s been rattling around or that has happened in snippet form. **Braska came in to my room this morning, and as she does often, paused at the light switch to flip it on. Only it’s already on with the light part of the ceiling fan turned off at the fan.  Because I’m not a big fan of SURPRISE! It’s time to get up! lighting.  She’s diligent, though, and she still attempts it every time.  And for the few times I forget to properly arrange things, wow. Good morning to me.  Doesn’t seem to bother her one single bit. **Last night we went to the Y after ...