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31 for 21: Braska’s IEP, part 2

Part 1 is here if you missed it…

So there we are all sitting around the table, and it’s time for the rest of the Present Level, broken down into the therapy areas. Some tidbits…not a complete list.

Gross Motor
~ Braska demonstrates overall improvement with her gait speed in a one on one setting.  She is able to fast walk 30 ft or greater both independently and with hand held with few to no dropping episodes. This (dropping) has decreased significantly.
~Nebraska demonstrates improvement with stair skills. She is able to ascend with alternating feet with one hand on the handrail when given verbal cues to do so. This is not yet consistent but she continues to show improvement with frequency.
~Braska has difficulty with trunk rotation activities and will frequently place her hand down on the surface for support or compensate by turning into a side sit to avoid completing the movement.
~Some jumping skills are emerging but not consistent. She is able to jump forward 2-4” with two foot take off and landing and has been able to jump over hoop placed on floor with a two foot take off and landing.

Fine Motor and Sensory
~Braska uses a right three-fingered static grasp on short writing tools.
~Braska recently began squeezing tongs to pick up small objects. This is a new skill and Braska continues to refine this skill.
~During bilateral cutting activities, Braska uses loop or self-opening scissors. She repeats the ‘scissor placement song’ but often will need hand-over-hand assistance to place scissors on her right hand and stabilize the paper.  Once positioned and with physical assistance, Braska can snip paper.  This skill is emerging.
~She is hesitant when working with wet/messy tactile materials (i.e., paint, shaving cream, play dough, and putty).

~Can rote count to 20
~Can identify and name her upper and lower case letters
~Is identifying basic concepts
~She has greatly improved in her attention and participation with minimal cues.
~She recognizes her name in print and several of her small class day friends’ names as well.
(Not included but noted to be added by her teacher… Can identify more close to 100 sight words, as has been observed at school. Not sure of the exact number she knows.)

~Braska is better able to care for her arrival duties this school year with the use of verbal cues to put her backpack away, get her nametag, pick her job, and wash her hands.
~Braska needs assistance with getting clothing and coats off and on. She struggles with these tasks due to balance and coordination. She has been assisting with pulling up her pants at bathroom time, but needs help getting them past her bottom in the back.
~Braska is drinking 1-4 ounces of liquid at a time from an open or lidded, spouted cup.  Her total intake per day of fluids taken in these ways is a minimum of 20.
~Braska needs assistance during hand washing time. If left unattended to care for this duty on her own, she will play in the water and soap.  She likes to put the soap bubbles on her face and eat the bubbles. She needs to be reminded the steps of hand washing and assisted with properly drying her hands.

We’ll start with Social/Emotional/Behavioral next!


  1. I love these informational blogs. Good stuff.

  2. It is really helpful for you to go through all your steps at an IEP. I will have to go through this with my son very soon, and reading and seeing all you discuss with Braska is great help to me.

    Is Braska potty trained now? The reason I ask is that you said at potty time she has problems getting her pants over her bottom, which my son seems to be having issues with that too. It is still cute to watch them though isn't it?
    He just turned 3 and has pretty much been potty trained for about 3 months except at night time and I do still put a pull up on him just in case (alhtough he hates them now). I think pull ups are awesome with potty training. Some say I potty trained him to soon, but I felt he could talk enough and tell me when he went in his diaper that he could go in the potty. (Do not get me wrong he cannot hold a conversation but he could say a lot of single words and potty was one I taught him when I had to go, so he knew what it meant).
    I will say he was a lot easier to potty train than my daughter was, and she does not have Down Syndrome. She was just plain to busy to go potty in the potty. When I finally offered rewards she decided she was not to busy to go. LOL!!

    Thanks again for doing this.


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