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Random Questions, Fall 08: 4

Fall 08, #4: Halloween

The Random Questions process
~Choose one or all of the questions to answer.
~Either respond with a comment to this post with your answer or put up a post on your own blog for a full response.
~Don't forget to include any funny or interesting story to illustrate your answer in action.
~Be sure to leave a comment on this post to let us know where to find your post so we can come check it out!

1. When it comes to Halloween, which are you? 1) All about it. 2) Don't really care. 3) Avoid it.

2. What's your favorite element of the Halloween season? Candy, pumpkins, costumes, or kids knocking on your door?

3. Which candy is the one you always hoped you'd get lots of when you did your trick-or-treating?

4. What's your favorite costume that you had, either long ago or recently?

5. If you've got kids who are dressing up, what are they gonna be this year?


As for my answers... I'm not into Halloween. I'd fit in the "don't care" category. I love fall, and it was always fun to dress up as a kid and go around the neighborhood and such, but besides the candy, I could miss it and not be a bit sad. I tend to be a Halloween scrooge, lights off, going out to dinner or something during trick-or-treat hours. I'm just not a fan to opening the door to strangers over and over and over. Silly, maybe. But it's the truth.

My candy preferences were always Reece's cups and Twix! Still love them. In fact, I picked them out of Braska's take from Saturday's Trunk-or-Treat event. If she'd eat them, I would have shared!

My favorite costume was probably when I wore my mom's college cheerleading uniform. It was pretty big, as I was like in 5th grade, but it was fun. I don't know that any pics exist or I might consider sharing them. I remember being an indian princess once, I'm sure I was a panda at one time or another, and I think I remember a Cinderella type princess once too. I'd say the last time I dressed up was probably a little over 20 years ago.

Braska is a little duck this year. She had her first event last Saturday, in case you missed it. Tomorrow she's going to make a surprise appearance somewhere, and maybe we'll go to our church's fall festival tomorrow night...we'll see.

Be safe, people.... and don't make yourselves sick on all that candy!!


  1. I have been really sucking at blogging but am making a come back LOL I will do this tonight or tomorrow. I love your random's

  2. 1. I would say that I like Halloween, but am not crazy about all the spooky stuff. I am not a real haunted house scary halloween kind of girl:-)
    2. My favorite part would be a tie between carving pumpkins and seeing little kids in their costumes. As I a parent I love the annual chance to dress my girls up in something too cute! Like Braska this year...the most adorable duck ever!
    3.My favorite candy as a kid was snickers and as an adult I still love them, but I am good for Almond Joy too...mmm coconut!
    4.My favorite costume as a kid was a yellow princess costume that my mom made. I wore it a few years in a row. I also had fun being a yellow crayon, a clown, and my friend and I dressed up as Burt and Ernie in Jr. High. Definitely the best costumes of anyone that year! We had huge Burt and Ernie heads that my mom made, they were awesome!
    5.The girls both have princess costumes this year. But Gracie will be quick to tell you that she is a princess and Maddy is her "Merry Godmother".
    It should be a fun night tonight. We'll definitely miss you guys at church this year! Hope you have a fun night with your Little Quack!

  3. I finally got to this and even have up to the minute pictures to post with it....this was a fun one too!

  4. 1. When it comes to Halloween, which are you? -All about it. i love halloween. fall is my favorite season and it's kind of like a kick-off celebration for me.

    2. What's your favorite element of the Halloween season? decorations and costumes. i like decorating my house and hope to add more and more each year.

    3. Which candy is the one you always hoped you'd get lots of when you did your trick-or-treating? snickers! but now anything with chocolate and nuts

    4. What's your favorite costume that you had, either long ago or recently? know i can't really remember many of my costumes. probably a hippy chick...i love a was all "hot" sad

    5. If you've got kids who are dressing up, what are they gonna be this year? henry was a teddy bear. adorable

  5. 1. When it comes to Halloween, which are you? 1) All about it. 2) Don't really care. 3) Avoid it.

    I'm a Halloween person - I LOVE it. We have fun all month celebrating. :)

    2. What's your favorite element of the Halloween season? Candy, pumpkins, costumes, or kids knocking on your door?

    I love the kids, decorations, and the smells and the colors. It's my favorite time of year.

    3. Which candy is the one you always hoped you'd get lots of when you did your trick-or-treating?

    M & M's and Reeses peanut butter cups.

    4. What's your favorite costume that you had, either long ago or recently?

    I was actually a fan of being a gypsy, or the girl with the poodle skirt.

    5. If you've got kids who are dressing up, what are they gonna be this year?

    Big D was a prince, and little d was a fairy.

  6. I like Halloween, not to overboard type of like though. A few decorations here or there. My FAVORITE candy is Sixlets and Reeces..My son was Darth Vader and he had a BLAST of a time trick or treating with his Aunt Laura.. My favorite costume of all time is when my dad helped me be a dice. We cut holes for arms and my head in a BIG cardboard box, painted it white with Black dots. My head was black as I was the one dot. My favorite part of this season though is the pumpkin patch.. I love to go there.

  7. 1. When it comes to Halloween, which are you? 1) All about it. 2) Don't really care. 3) Avoid it.

    Don't really care.

    2. What's your favorite element of the Halloween season? Candy, pumpkins, costumes, or kids knocking on your door?

    Handing out candy since I lived in BFE growing up and never got to experience that.

    3. Which candy is the one you always hoped you'd get lots of when you did your trick-or-treating?

    Reece's cups

    4. What's your favorite costume that you had, either long ago or recently?

    Me and Gabi both dressed as Raggedy Ann one year

    5. If you've got kids who are dressing up, what are they gonna be this year?

    Jeremy was Guitar Hero, Gabi was a fairy princess and Preston was a baby Ninja


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Make it a great day!!

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