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Feeling berry much better

It's been a long week. And yet it's flown by. How is that possible so often?

First off, thanks to all of you who have called and emailed and commented with encouragement. I really do appreciate it so much. Thank you also to all of you who have sent goodies and gifts, brought or fixed food, and just helped out in various ways.

Special thanks goes to my mom, who spent 10 days of the last 12 here with us. And thanks to Dad and the kids for letting her be away. She went home yesterday, taking Braska with her for a few days. She accomplishes more in a few days around here than I do in weeks. I'm most often not very pleasant when she is around, so she puts up with alot and doesn't complain. Thanks, Mom.

I'm definitely feeling better. I think it's a combination of factors, though I'm not sure what to credit with what element of the improvement. I stopped taking the meds after three days, because it was going to take at least 3 weeks for them to begin to work, and I got the impression that they might be actually causing the anxiety to be a bit worse. (It can be a side effect in the initial period.) Also, after some research and contacts with people--natural remedy experts, pharmacists, etc--Mom went to get some Red Raspberry Leaves (natural supplement), which is supposed to actually help the hormonal imbalance, not just deal with the symptoms of that imbalance. I'm not one to do the natural remedy thing usually, that's no secret. But I was at the point to try anything, and I have to say, from day one that I took the Raspberry, I have not had another bad panic attack. I had some slight periods of feeling anxious, but it was not nearly as bad as it had been this weekend or as it was with Braska. I'm not going to analyze it to death, but if it's working, we're gonna go with it for a while. (I hear this is great for PMS issues as well, so if you want more info, let me know.)

Kinlee is doing great. She is way easy as newborns go, or so I'm told. She's sleeping regularly and eating regularly, more frequently in the day than at night. Last night was my first one by myself since feeling better, and we made it through pretty well. She had a block of 4 hours of sleep and one of almost 5. I cannot complain about that. And M kept her in the evening for a few hours so I could get a nap in before starting the night, just in case. She rarely cries at all, and that may not remain the norm, but I'll take it for now! Last night she slept in her room, in her crib, and did just great. It's right across from our room, so I could hear her when I need to, but I didn't hear all her sleeping noises. That's good, as they keep me awake...every noise wakes me! I really SO do not get how you guys can sleep with a kid in the same room, or for goodness sakes, the same bed!! I'd NEVER get a wink of sleep!

Sunday afternoon we'll meet up with Mom and get Braska. Then we'll start the week all together to see if I can manage to deal with all the "stuff" of our normal weeks with newborn in tow. We shall see...

Hopefully, we're on our way to really finding our new normal very soon. Or should I say... BERRY soon!


  1. I'm glad you are feeling better RK.

  2. I'm sorry you've been having a hard time. I guess I missed that. I'm glad things are going better, though.

    I'm not one for the herbal remedies, either, but I'm intrigued with this one. I'd love to get some more information whenever you have time. No hurry. You've got a few things on you plate right now!

    Kinlee is beautiful!

  3. I'm so glad you're feeling better. I've been thinking about you!

  4. Good to hear. Thank goodness for your mom. I didn't want to call at the wrong time and an email seemed too impersonal, but I've been thinking about you and will continue to do so. Kiss your sweet girls for me.

  5. Berry interesting commentary! I'm so glad things are going so much better. We enjoy having Braska here; she has been a real sweetie. And it's always good to hear any of the kids brag on my sweetheart. The kids & I made a small contribution but we can honestly say we're glad we could. See you on Sunday!

  6. My pleasure :o) I love being around my kids AND GRANDKIDS!! Glad you're feeling so much better. We're enjoying Braska, for sure. Can't wait to show her off Sunday to all the people who have prayed for her for so long.

  7. So glad to hear things are looking up:o) What a wonderful mama you have to help out so much! The Raspberry thing even sounds tasty!

  8. I am so glad you are adjusting. It is not an easy thing is it? I know what you mean about the sleeping thing. Mattie stayed in a cradle in our room for some time because she was a quiet baby. But my other way! Every little noise would wake me up. They would make more grunting noises. They both started sleeping in their cribs at a very early age for my sake!

  9. So glad to see that you are doing better. I might have to look into this Raspberry stuff.

  10. Glad you are on your way to feeling better. I agree, that raspberry leaf tea is some good stuff!

  11. I'm so glad that you are feeling better. UGH, I used to get panick attacks when I was pregnant for Dillon, so I know how horrible they are!
    Will keep you in my prayers that you don't have anymore anxiety & have this time to enjoy you little new one!

  12. My reader hasn't been updating so I just read this, but so glad to hear things are starting to iron themselves out. Kinlee sounds like a dream. And I might want some more info on the tea...I have TERRIBLE PMS.

  13. I am glad you are feeling better. I have been thinking about you lots. I will call you this week. Talk to you soon. Love you!!

  14. I am so glad you are feeling better. I've been there and that post partum stuff really stinks!

    I completely get why you put Kinlee in her crib. My daughter is almost 19mo old and is still in my room, in her own crib, of course, (it is a big room) but with me living in a 2bdrm house and having four kiddo's (3 boys and 1 girl) i felt it was best to keep Melana in my room. I HEAR EVERY SINGLE NOISE SHE MAKES and have for 19mo. There is not one night that goes by that I dont wake at least twice a night to something and that in itself is exhausting. So Good Job starting the crib early!

    Praying for you guys!!

  15. I meant to say 3bdrm house. I do have 3 bedrooms but with 3 boys and one that is a teen, he has to have his own room and who wants to share a room with a girl? So her and I share a room.


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