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Random Questions, Round 8

The Random Questions process
~Choose one or all of the questions to answer.
~Either respond with a comment to this post with your answer or put up a post on your own blog for a full response.
~Don't forget to include any funny or interesting story to illustrate your answer in action.
~Be sure to leave a comment on this post to let us know where to find your post so we can come check it out!

Round 8--Quirks--We all have our funny little things about us, so let it out! Tell about what makes you weird! Or maybe you just call it a "specific preference." :o)

What quirks do you have in the following categories? (Or tell on someone else if you want!)
1. Home (cleaning, order, furniture, yard, etc.)
2. Personal (get-ready routine, clothes/shoes, hate feet?)
3. Relational (high-maintenance proof, personal space, parental/spousal habits, etc)
4. Food (ways you eat, ways that annoy you about how others eat, can't mix foods, etc)


1. Home-- I can't think of much in this category, honestly. I'm sure there's something.

2. Personal--I do have a particular order to what I call my "get-ready" routine. Shower, dress in clean PJs (yoga pants, t-shirt), put product in wet hair, do whatever around the house for 15-20 minutes for a short air dry on the hair, then blow dry, make-up, and final dress. If I try to mess with the order or shorten it up greatly, we all suffer. I also have a thing about certain boot and certain jeans. Some just don't look as good with others, so there's no mixing jean/boot combinations.

3. Relational--I prefer that M always be reachable by phone. Maybe that's not a quirk, but it's foreign to him why I get upset when I can't reach him because his cell phone rings on his desk at home when I call him from the kitchen. Grrrrrrrrr. I don't call for sweet nothings calls, I need something if I'm calling, so for heaven's sake, take the phone with you, please.

4. Food--I don't like things to be different temperatures on the same plate. If there's spaghetti and green beans, they better both be equally hot. Only warm beans with hot spaghetti is just not pleasing at all. I don't like mushrooms, black olives, or gorgonzola cheese. And NO venison, rabbit, squirrel, pheasant, or other wild game. Beef, chicken, turkey, and only occasionally pork, some seafood...that's it for me.

I can only say to you that I HOPE my husband will contribute to this round. His list is the longest I've ever seen in my almost 35 years. And it would be funny to read...hint, hint, honey.


  1. 1. My house is just a total mess right now. It is annoying, but there is nothing I can do about it. I cleaned all day today, and here it is 9:00 and you can't even tell I did a thing! Frustrating!!
    2. All I know is that it now takes 2 hours to get out of the house now with all of the kids. My 35 minute start to finish routine has been altered for good!!
    3.I am not a high maintenance person and I am not good with friends who are. I get grouchy when people don't use common sense.
    4.The only thing I don't like is ham and beans and corn bread. I also know that food that you don't have to cook and mess with always tastes better than food you do have to cook!

  2. I posted mine - this is a fun topic, can't wait to see that I am not the only quirky one.

  3. Ill have to come back to these because I am planning Chanelle's family party today.

  4. I posted mine! hehe...this one was FUN!

  5. Oh man...i Have to start doing these. I've been MEANING to and I love your answers, but I haven't been able to get my act together!

  6. a lurker (possibly found through DownSyn?) here who stole your random question :) It'll be up on my blog soon.


  7. Hey RK -- I just posted mine on my blog.... interesting topic!


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Thanks for commenting!! I only ask that we all keep it positive, respectful, and clean. Comment moderation is on for now. (As this is my blog, I reserve the right to delete any comment I deem inappropriate for any reason.) If you use the anonymous option, be sure to sign your name. Thanks!!

Make it a great day!!

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