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Checklist: Item 23

#23 Pack kitchen

I'm working on it. I'm slowing down. I'm ready to be done. I'm starting to actually think we're not gonna make the deadline.

We met with our realtors on Friday evening. We got our list of to-do before we put it on the market, which will be mid-next week. The problem is that several of these to-do items are pretty time consuming, and even though I'm usually good for a challenge, I'm thinking this one might be out of reach. They also recommended that we move everything on Saturday, not just the "most" I was planning on. I was figuring to stay here for a while with some of our furniture to stage with, but they provide their own staging furniture, so they said to just do it all in one trip. That means we need to get Braska's therapies transferred to the new system in StC so we don't have too big a gap in services. It also means that we need to find people to care for the pool, which we need to get open and ready to impress this week, and also the lawn. It also means that we've changed our apartment to have a bit more space since all three of us will be there for more of the time.

#24 Get master bath flooring put down.

#25 Paint over non-neutral (deep purple) walls in the house.

#26 Open the pool

#27 Contact siding company regarding defective siding to request it be replaced. (Not looking forward to this one at all.)

Anyway, I must get back to work. We'll get it done somehow. I'm just having a moment. Maybe next year I'll get a "real" Mother's Day when I can relax and be taken care of for a change. Here's hoping... I'm 0-3 so far, but I can still dream. :o)

Hope you all had a great one...enjoy it some for me too!


  1. Hang in there! Wish I could help, I love helping people pack. Is that a sickness? Probably.

  2. RK- Seriously, call me if you need help. Mom and I would be more than happy to assist where needed :) Let me know if you need our numbers.

  3. Ugh! That photo brings back to many memories. We've moved 8 times in our 15 years of marriage and most of that was done in the first 10 years. I got pretty good at it, though. Good luck.

  4. I think I can, I think I can...

    You are being a GREAT mother on mother's day (and always) as usual. Maybe you can have a belated mother's day THIS year. You surely deserve it!!!

    I wish I could come help! I know how hard it is.

  5. Michelle--Yeah, that might be a sickness. :o)

    Aubrey--Thanks muchly. I may be calling.

    Debbie--This is move #20 for me overall. I should be a pro, right?

    Tricia-- :o) Thank you. Not holding my breath, if you don't mind. Ha!

  6. I know it just adds stress for me to say "don't stress" but really I wish I could take that away for you, cause everything will work out the way it should...

    when we moved to this house, the weekend we were to clear out of the old house every male member of my family became sick - too sick to help. I kicked Steven out and called our church family and we got it I guess the moral of that story is call for help when you need it - cause they are waiting to help!

  7. Jessie---It will come together. And our friends are really helping. I hope no one gets sick though...that might throw me over the edge!

  8. Try Midwest Scuba Center for the pool thing. I think he does pool maintenance too.

  9. I had a good mother's day with all my kids calling and 4 of the 6 home for awhile. I got a nice blender, some flowers, a shirt, some towels and the ever-appreciated Walmart card. I thought about all these wonderful gifts while I was washing all the dishes (after having prepared dinner,) and the rest of the family were watching TV.


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Make it a great day!!

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