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31 for 21: The whole dang jar!

Feeding issues aren't something every kid with DS encounters, but it's not really uncommon. It IS more rare that they have the issues and aversions as severe as Braska and for as long. I think she is just too much her father's daughter. He still has severe food aversions at 33. I'm so jealous of people that can plan their meals ahead of time, even a few hours ahead, and especially if they can fix just one meal.... I don't really remember what that's like. I typically get Braska's dinner, then fix something for M, and then decide what I'll eat. But that's another story for another day...

Braska typically eats solids, AKA baby food from baby food jars, twice a day. She's much improved from what she was about a month ago in both the quantity she'll eat at a sitting and the rate of speed for the feeding, which I'm very thankful for. It used to take her about 45 minutes to get down maybe half of a level 1 jar. (That's a little over an ounce.) She just plain took her time, looked around between bites, mashed the food around in her mouth for quite a while, and eventually would turn back toward me and stick her tongue out. (That's her sign for more, she doesn't really open her mouth.) Lately, she's been doing much better, taking between 2.5 to 3 ounces in about 15 or 20 minutes. I've been pleased with that, for sure.

This morning, she was not in the mood. She took maybe 2 bites, under coercion, and was just not interested. So that was that. So this evening, I thought I'd see if she was more in the mood. She generally does her best eating in the evening for some reason, anywhere between 7:30 and 8:30 pm. In our situation, I don't ask questions...we just feed her when she wants to eat; aside from her regular tube feedings, of course. And tonight she was more in the mood. I opened a new 4-ounce jar of Apples & Squash, spooned some out to another jar so I could add the oat cereal. (She eats that in everything, as she doesn't care for thin, runny things.) She ate that batch, then I went back for a second batch, then I just took the original jar, oat cereal added there too, and she finished the jar! Yep, she ate 4 ounces of Apples & Squash with about 3-4 tbsp oat cereal added. And all that was in about 15 minutes. She was in a great rhythm and maintained her interest pretty well. I hope we can make this a habit. It's the second time in about a week, but this one was better. So let's keep up the progress!

Now, if we could just convince her that liquids are fun too!


  1. Good girl, Braska! Good job, Mommy! How about seeing if she'll chew on an empty glass to get used to the feel of it, all the while you drink from a similar glass in front of her. Then offer her juice from the glass. You may have to coat the glass with applesauce to begin with (on hers, not yours :o) It may take awhile, but don't give up! You're gaining ground. She'll do it when she makes up her mind to do so.
    Hugs to you both.

  2. Liquids are fun, that's why you have a pool in your backyard. Oh wait, did you mean for drinking?

  3. Good job Braska!! That's a big step! I hope it continues for you!!

  4. That's Awesome RK! I could tell she was really getting in the groove the other night. She'll have it all mastered in no time and then some day you'll look back and be like, "wow, I can't even remember when eating was a big deal!" Both Maddy and Grace have given me a run for my money about food. I am not sure why I guess they thought they had something better to do than eat. They definitely didn't get that from me, I loves me some food:-)

  5. Way to go Mom and Braska!

    Your patience will pay off.

    Thanks for the great updates! I'm in Salina, KS today, Abilene tomorrow, home Friday.

    Papa beagle

  6. I saw that you popped in on my blog, so I popped over here. It sounds like you have your hands full with feeding fun too. Braska is making some good progress!


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