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31 for 21: Planted and done

If you're just joining us, you might want to catch up on where we started. The final shred of mulch was placed today. It looks SO much better I think. Of course, next spring and summer will be the real chance to see it all in it's splendor. It looks a little sparse currently, but I still like it better than all the old foliage clutter.

Saturday, we worked on the rocks...and there was a TON of them. They had to be moved by hand. Yeah, that's right. Bending over and scooping up handfuls of big, jagged rocks. We had no idea how much was actually in there! Then the guys worked on them yesterday, most all afternoon. And they got it done! I can't believe how fast they got through it. This is what we ended up with.

That's a pile of rocks about 3 ft wide and about 24 feet long and about 12 inches deep. That's alot of rocks. We'll deal with them later... anyone need rocks?

Then this morning, this arrived.

The fabric stuff got put down and the mulch started going in.

So all the plants are in, and now the mulch is in.

Here's some before-and-after shots.

I know... it looks a bit stark and plain, but give it time! I like it alot, and I'm so excited to see it all fill in. The photos don't do it justice, I must say.

Here's an overhead view.

Now, for the next project on the increase-home-value and siding. Not this week though...


  1. Good luck getting rid of the rock. I put mine on craigslist to get rid of it!! Finally someone came and got it. Good luck to ya!!

  2. We could sure use that rock in our driveway, but I don't know how we'd get it here. I'll bet David A. could use it!

  3. I really like it and I think you are right, when it fills in, it will be awesome! Nice work! Karen K

  4. Wow, that's a big undertaking! It looks great. What to do with all those rocks....

  5. It looks wonderful! I can't wait to see pictures of it next year!


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