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Sit and stay sans dog

Braska's sick. If you're up to date on her blog, you probably got the message.

I don't know how people do it that have lots of sicknesses and issues that mess with the kid's sleep patterns! The norm for this kiddo of mine is that we have the night-night routine, p-jammies, kisses to Daddy, thank you prayers for all our blessings, and then I simply put her in bed and she's still and out within minutes. That's how it's been every night since she was about 2 months. Sure, there was the period in there between 2 and 3 months when we still had to do feedings at night via the NG, but she didn't wake up for those. We've been sleeping peacefully through the night at our house since immediately after surgery at 3 months. I know that's a HUGE blessing and not the norm, from what I hear, but I like it alot.

Last night I put her down in the normal manner here at the in-laws' place, in her pack n'play that she always sleeps in here. She went down and went to sleep. About 30 minutes later, she's crying. Now, I admit this has happened maybe 5 or 6 times randomly over the last year, but it's quick, she's easily calmed, and back to sleep she goes. Last night, it wasn't so easy. She went back down, but then was up again in another 15 minutes and then 15 after that. At one point she had a messy diaper, which is very weird at night--plus she'd already gone once and that's above average in a day--so I wondered about it, but she went back down. The next time, I just calmed her, then picked her up and held her while she went back to sleep. From that time on, she slept on me when she slept. I tried to put her down a few times when I thought she was good and out, but she woke immediately and squirmed around strangely so I picked her up again so as not to wake the grandparents.

So there I was, in the middle of the night, propped up in bed holding a lightly sleeping, very restless little girl. As long as I stayed very still, she did alright for 30 to 40 minutes at a time, and in a few of those, I think I dozed off, but I am famous for waking at every movement of hers, even when she's in the next room. You can see how that might make sleeping in this situation difficult. Unfortunately, I'd enjoyed a few too many Caffeine Free Diet Cokes last evening, so I had to get up twice to use the bathroom while not setting her down. I'm so glad it was pitch black, because seeing the whole things would have been disturbing for me, I think. But she managed to stay calm, even though she woke up, as long as she was plastered up against me. What a multitasker I have become!

I decided to try to give her a little bit of warm food in her tube at about 4am, thinking it might settle her and help her calm down. That whole transition resulted in a screaming fit that brought Grandma out to check on us. I was debating taking Braska to the ER at that point, as her fever was definitely the highest I'd ever known of, even though our silly thermometer that I carry wasn't working right. She was hot, that was obvious. Grandma C graciously offered to sit up with her and hold her while she slept so I could try to get a bit of sleep. I do NOT function well at all on no sleep, and although I was afraid I wouldn't be able to turn off my brain, I decided to try to sleep and let her sleep to see if things improved with a little more time. Of course I'd forgotten to bring the Tylenol along for her. Figures.

This morning I sat up quick at 7 am, a little surprised I'd slept, but feeling a little better. Braska had slept the whole time on Grandma, and though she still felt warm, it didn't seem as high. I jumped in the shower and dashed up to Walgreens to pick up some Pedialyte and Tylenol for her. I gave her a dose and she's been sleeping still ever since. I hope she can just sleep it off, but I don't like this at all. It just feels so helpless. I don't like not knowing what exactly needs to be done to fix things. I know in the grand scheme of things, this isn't the end of the world, but it's no fun, that's for sure.


  1. Poor Braska - and poor mom. I hope she's feeling better soon, it's so sad when the little ones are sick!

  2. What a rough night! I'm glad she's resting now, and hope you manage to get some more sleep too. It's so hard when they are sick and can't say what exactly hurts. I've had a few nights like those with Delphine too.

  3. Sick kids are the worst. This is going to sound really cheesy, but I remember the first time Mia was sick and I just didn't know what to do or how to make it better. I saw and ad in a magazine fro Tylenol. It said "her first fever, our 1,532,345,201st. For some reason that made me feel better! I know that she would get better and it reminded me that it was just a fever, not the black plague :) Of course I still hate it every time she is sick and she is currently sick and now I am worried about little carmen. . . . does the worry never end?

  4. One thought - where is she on teeth? Abby has had a couple of rough nights when new tooth was coming in. (And there were some weird diapers, too, due to the excessive drooling. Gross, I know, but it happens.)

    I don't know. It's probably a virus or cold or whatever, but I thought I'd throw it out there. Whatever it is, I hope she's better soon. Get some rest, if you can!

  5. so sorry to hear this is now "added to the fun" of the week - everyone above is right - its hard on mommy, but thankfully the kids are pretty resilient...keep on top of that fever and hopefully she should rest really well...some of my boys enjoy a cool washrag to snuggle with when they are sooo hot, may give it a try, its not for everyone though...

  6. I hope Braska feels better soon!!! This reminds me of Tristans first 3 years. He still sleeps with me but at least he sleeps now :) Sending get well prayers

  7. From a mama who has had a sick kid lots and lots of times...I feel your pain! In fact, Josiah woke up with a fever today. Just what I need brand new twins and a sick kid. Tonight will be a night of no sleep for sure. We may have to go to the doc tomorrow. Hang in there. This too shall pass!!
    Love ya, Andrea

  8. Kids' illnesses DO make you feel helpless! Especially when they are young enough to not be able to tell you what hurts, what's wrong. If you notice the fever persisting, I have had many docs tell me to alternate tylenol and motrin every 2 hours (it works, I've done this MANY times) IE 8am, tylenol, 10am motrin, noon, tylenol, etc... the 2 meds are completely different so it's ok to do them like that, even at the same time actually, but they can both treat fever (and when you don't know what's wrong, together they will both treat any aches and pains and other symptoms). The idea behind this is you don't have the lag time, when the tylenol starts to wear off, the kid starts feeling poorly again, and you can't give anymore until the 4 hour mark. It's totally safe and has gotten us through many sick times! We've had lots of illnesses, and the girls both have asthma so when they get sick, it almost always flairs up too. It will be over before you know it though, even though it never seems like that at the start of the illness!

  9. Thanks everyone for the encouragement and great ideas. We're doing much better and I'm thrilled.

    And Cate--I think you might have hit it right...she's been really grinding her teeth more than she did with her first two, so maybe it was a tooth-related issue.


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