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Random questions

I've been thinking of things here and there, and I just thought I'd throw them all out and see what happens. I made up the picture just so if you want to do a post we can pass it on. It would be fun to see how different and how similar we are! So many of us are mired in deep issues in regular everyday life that it sounds appealing to talk about the little things sometimes. And hey...there's no wrong answer! You can't fail this test!

If you don't have a blog or don't want to post about it, you can answer in the comments section. If you put up a post, let me know so we can all check it out. I'd love to see if I'm the wacky one that I think I am or if I'm in other wacky company. Answer all the questions or just pick one or two. Maybe you've got a funny story to relate about one of the topics or you've witnessed someone even wackier!

Here's the first round of questions...
1. When grocery shopping, do you arrange your items in the shopping cart nicely and in categories or just toss it in?

2. When putting your grocery items on the nifty conveyor belt at the check-out, do you group them by category to make bagging easy or do you just put them up there in whatever order you grab them?

That's a good start. More will come soon...the list is already pretty long! I'll post my answers tomorrow. Can't wait to see all yours!!!


  1. Boy do I have something to say on this!!! So much that I will make my own post on it. I'll let you know when I get it done. Can I just say you are kind of scaring me. I'm beginning to think you are reading my mind.

  2. Fun! I'll make my own post. I'm excited to see what random thoughts you'll put up next!

  3. I will comment about your questions here.... Groceries. I tend to put them in the cart in catagories, because I put them on the conveyer in like groups for easier bagging. The only problem with that, is when the conveyer is moving. It makes me feel that I am in a race!

  4. I answered on my blog...sorry, I didn't realize this would evoke such a lengthy answer...but it was fun, can't wait to see your answers

  5. Deb---if we're thinking alike, I feel like I should apologize! No one should have to deal with this mind but me!! Wait til you see the next round...

    Jen--I'm checking in on you...and you will like some of the upcoming ones, I think.

    Teresa--Without giving too much of my own answer just yet, I TOTALLY get the feeling of racing the belt!

    Jessie--I'm coming over to check it out when I get the after-kid-goes-to-bed minute. :o)

  6. 1. I put things together, such as cold things, cans, fresh foods, or crushables (like bread).
    2. Since I shop Walmart and use the competition's ads, I put up the ad items first; then heavy stuff on down to the fragiles, so they go on top.
    But I'm not always consistent; sometimes if I don't have ad items and I'm in a hurry, I just throw them all out there :o(
    PS-why the word verification thing??

  7. Ok clearly I am a total failure of a shopper and I bow down to you and all of your commenters.
    Really I feel it is a major accomplishment if I manage to get all the things that need to go in the fridge together and don't squish the bread.
    I do manage to bring my bags and bins though.
    Do I still get to play?

  8. Mom--I used to take the time to do the ad thing...then I had a kid. But I guess that doesn't work when comparing to you, now does it, oh mother of 6? And the word verification is due to some spam I got hit with over the weekend.

    Lisa b--Of course you can play! I'm fairly famous for making a list and STILL forgetting things that were plainly on it!

  9. LOL I throw it all in as fast as possible. I have to cram it all in the bottom section because Tristan loves to throw everything out of the cart onto the floor including my purse. Even if I open his fav cookies and let him snack the entire time.
    While loading up the conveyer I just throw it on except I put the bread up last so it doesn't get squished at the other end. I do this all very quickly and usually forget several things because I am in such a hurry to get it all done before Tristan either eats too many cookies or gets fed up and starts climbing out of the cart. This boy has spent most of his life shopping and absolutly does not love it anymore. *sigh

  10. I shop by the chaos method. It goes in the cart in whatever order i grab it. Also, goes on the belt in any order.

    Most of the time I have a fantastic list that gets left on the counter at home and I have to wing it.

  11. Ha!! This is where a sense of humor comes in handy...I would have never thought to place anything in any sort of order at the store. However, I am married to someone who lives his day by order. He is always placing the groceries just right in the cart and on the belt. I do good if I can get to the store, get the groceries and get them home. I guess opposites attract! Andrea

  12. Kari--I love the cookie bribe. That's resourcefulness! And I'm sure that things will change for me when Braska starts to attempt to get out of the cart.

    Mindy--I also am known to leave a thorough list on the counter. It's very frustrating, to say the least. And I always spend more in those situations, even though I forget stuff I needed.

    Andrea--Honey, your chaos is only gonna grow when those twins get here in a couple weeks. Grocery shopping will probably become your getaway if you can manage to leave all those boys at home when you get a chance to go. :o)

  13. I'll comment here--don't have time to do a separate post. I pretty much throw things in my cart, but I do try to keep heavier things toward the bottom and keep eggs, bread and produce on top. I do try to arrange things on conveyor belt, but pretty much realize they often need to be reorganized during the bagging stage so I don't get to crazy about that either. I do try and help bag my own groceries so I can keep all like items together. I usually help bag my groceries so I can organize them based on where they will end up once home. I love getting home, being able to give my girls a bag and say "all this goes in that cabinet, start unpacking."

  14. Choas IS going to be my life, and I am going to have to do a lot of laughing at life to get through it!! It will be sad when going to the grocery store by myself will be a victory!! :)

  15. Chris--Thanks for the comment! I love the idea of bagging in order to make unpacking easy! What a great idea....I'll have to jot that one down for when Braska's old enough to help out.

    Andrea--I don't like to go, so maybe we can work out a tandem grocery trip weekly or something.

  16. I throw stuff in the cart, like I throw stuff in my life. Whereever it will fit and whatever I come to first. Its no good, but I don't plan to change throwing stuff in the cart. I can't ever live up to John's organizational abilities in this or any other area and since when he does the shopping, I let him organize to his heart's content. I would like to organize my life a bit better though. So I may work on that.

  17. I can't stand grocery shopping, so In order to get in and out as quick as possible I just throw everything in the cart and on the conveyer. The only thing I put seperate is the bread. Now when I get home that is where I am very organized and everything has it's spot. I really like Chris's idea of putting things in the bags in relation to where they go at home because my girls love to help put the groceries away, and that would make it easier.

  18. I'm sort of chaotic, sort or organized. I am more a, "Hey, these boxes go well together randomly" kind of person. I also tend to STUFF my front seat/cart thing until NOTHING else will fit and THEN use the cart part.

  19. Carole--You're right...since he's shopping, it's good to let him do his thang. And he is a pretty darn good organizer.

    Rylie's mom--You're smart, Val. If you don't take the bread out of the chaos, it becomes less usable. ;o)

    Tricia--SO funny! I also do the stuff the top part thing....when Braska's not with me. It's like I think if I can keep it to just right there I'll not have to reach ALL the way down into the bottom of the cart. But I'm always always seeps into the big part, then I start my process of arranging.

  20. 1.) I arrange the shopping cart in an orderly fashion. And on the rare occassions when my husband happens to be in the store with me, he is not allowed to put anything in the cart because he is the "just toss it in there" type.
    2.)Again, they are arranged during check out for a more orderly bagging process. Lucky for me, I shop at the comissary where all baggers work on tips only. So, they always pack things nice and neat and keep my order because they want to make sure they get a good tip!

  21. Shelley--I'm so glad I'm not the only one that's so picky about the cart! Funny that your husband is not allowed to put stuff in... (I wish I could get mine to go along sometimes!) And that's not a bad deal with the for both you and them!

  22. You're funny! So here is what I do...I toss and try to keep the crushables on top, but mostly I have to pack around Maddy who is riding in the basket, and Grace who is in the seat trying desperately to grab at anything she can reach including her sister. I know that you are not supposed to put kids in the basket, but when I get those double kid carts the girls are fighting before I am down the second row. Then when I get to the conveyor, I unload in the order that I want bagged so that when I get home all the stuff that goes together is in one bag. The girls love to help with the unloading, but mostly I just like to laugh at them as they attempt to drag large stuff like milk jugs to the fridge. Can't wait to see the next question, this is fun!

  23. Karen K--I can SO picture that situation, Gracie grabbing for whatever she can reach.:o)

  24. I think that I have a touch of OCD: fruit, especially crushables goes in the child seat area. My purse goes under the child seat, with my canvas bags over the top of it as a theft-deterrent system. Then veggies on top of the canvas bag. From there it is a free for all trying not to crush the bread. Once I get to the check-out line, the real strategy begins. Because I hate coming home with 17 plastic bags, I have my own canvas bags, so I organize on the conveyer belt by heaviest (cans mostly, and frozen), with fruit, eggs, and bread last. Often I convince the bagger who rolls their eyes when they see my bag that I can just bag it myself (I care more about my fruit and eggs than they do), otherwise I help them.
    If Cory is along, he usually gets a lecture for squishing bread or just throwing stuff in the cart. As if a can of soup that has been slightly dented tastes different.

  25. I finally got my post up on this. Come check it out.


  26. Mary--Good for you with your canvas bags. I'm not surprised! ;o) And let me tell you, I've had a dented can of soup, and it was a bit off, flavor wise. Keep up the diligence!

    Deb--Great post. I think I must be shopping at different places than most of you. My checker is also my bagger, and I'm putting my own bags in the cart. It's all good, I can handle that much.


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Make it a great day!!

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