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Blogger friends and My Bloggy Valentine

I've been awarded a very nice award from a couple of my faithful readers and blog friends, Shannon at Gabi's World and Christina at Kwisteena's Kwaziness. Thanks so much, you guys!! It always bring such a giggle to me when I see my name on someone elses post! It's like being picked with the cool kids!!! Love it!

This gives me a chance to talk about something that I've been meaning to blog about for a while. Blogging about blogging...seems funny. I have learned so darn much from all you DS blogger-moms (and the dads too). Reading about and watching how you go about normal daily things as well as how you deal with the things we deal with like therapies, doctor visits, EI and IFSP meetings, and the underlying frustration that can creep up on's priceless. I often tell new moms that I am blessed to interact with that if they do one thing, check out the blogs. It's the BEST picture of how life is really going to be, in my opinion. It made THE difference in my starting to accept my new future and realizing that life goes on. ( pun intended.)

We learn from each other how to advocate for our kids. We are reminded when to give ourselves a break. We get to glimpse the future when we follow the kids that are a little older. We get to reminisce and share what we've learned with those who are new to our little community. We get to do alot of "how did you get through this?" and "what can I try?" when we run into a situation for which there doesn't seem to be a clear answer. We get so much encouragement and prayer support when we are at our wit's end or our kids get hit with health issues.

There is just nothing that can compare to the virtual arm around the shoulder from another person who knows exactly what you're feeling and how hard it can be. Friends of all kinds are so wonderful to have and can be helpful, but there is a special something about this DS community of bloggers who share their lives with each other. And I'm blessed to have been included in this premier bunch.

So here's the Bloggy Valentine part. Since it's about time to share with our loved ones the candy and jewelry (a girl can hope, right?) and teddy bears, I think it's a great time to do a little bragging on our Bloggy Valentines. Let's have a string of posts about what your blogger friends have meant to you. Bloggy Valentines of mine (yeah, you know who you are :o), you mean the world to me!

~What has the DS blog community meant to you?
~What lessons have you learned?
~How did they encourage you?
~What are some of your favorite stories?

You don't have to tag anyone or name any names, unless you want to, of course. But let's spread some love. Brag on your Bloggy Valentines!


  1. My wonderful friend! I know that I am not part of that community, but I wanted to say how much I have learned from you and all your blogger friends. I am grateful for the opportunity to see your world through a different perspective than my own. I think it has taught me a greater sense of compassion and understanding, that I would not have had otherwise. So thanks, for putting it all out there and teaching me so much!

  2. What a wonderful idea! I might just start something like that on our email network. Thanks for the idea. Love you!!

  3. LOL I know EXACTLY how you feel when seeing your name on another blog..It's like WOW, someone reads my blog and pays attention! LOL

    I did the bloggy valentine on my blog, I loved it so much I wanted to do it right away!

  4. You are so right. There are only a few who have children older than mine and a large handful are the same age as Gabi. But I tell you I have learned so much in this past year when I started on the message boards and blogging. I often look at you mom's whose children are still so young and think about the days I spent crying out of frustration. I had nobody who understood. This experience has helped me to be a better mom, and at least I found you all when Gabi was still somewhat young.

    I'll have to do a bloogy Valentine too and answer your questions.

  5. Karen K--Thanks. I'm glad you have learned stuff from our experience. I believe that is the best outcome from trials, for someone or many to learn from watching, and to save others grief later in some way.

    Mom--Glad you like it.

    Christina--You did an excellent job on your post!

    Melissa-- :o)

    Shannon--Bloogy...funny! You're right...the forums are also so helpful.

  6. Sweet Idea. I love reading blogs especially when they are about children with a little something extra. I love when People respond to my blog it makes me feel a little less alone in Holland. :) Holland is a great place to live but I find it gets a little lonly from time to time. One of the best feelings is when I have been able to offer some advice from a BTDT situation and be helpful. I really hope one day in the future all us blogging mommy's can have a huge IRL gathering :) Now that would be SUPER sweet!

  7. I know EXACTLY how you feel too (and Christina). Thank to you for sharing the Bloggy Valentine idea and I'm adding it to our blog right away.

    Great idea and it's nice getting to know you.

    (aka Dylan and Jonah's Mom)

  8. Well I finally posted my bloggy valentine in responce to your questions!

  9. What a great idea! I've read blogs off and on through the years, but it really wasn't until the 31 for 21 challange that I actually got regular about it. I love looking into the lives of other families and am happy when something I write helps or makes someone else happy.

  10. ...I've tagged you for a meme. Sorry ;)
    Lots of love, friend

  11. I saw this idea through Shannon (Gabi's World) and Melissa (Banana Migraine). Sounds like a fun idea. I'll have to work on a post for it. Thanks for coming up with it.

  12. This is so nice, I am working on mine now!

  13. Kari--It IS pretty cool to read something and smile as you remember how big a deal it was at the time and now how far away it seems. And the sharing of that encouragement is so valuable to others, I think.

    Kristy--thanks! Glad you came by. Dylan and Jonah are adorable!

    Shannon--It was a good post, too!

    Sunflowermom--31 for 21 was how I found you too. :o)

    Mrs. Wibbs--Got it. I'm gonna get to it this week...really!

    Deb--I'll come check out your post!

    Rylie's Mom-I'll be checkin' in on you too. :o)

  14. thanks for the bloggy Valentine idea, and for your journey into blogging!


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Make it a great day!!

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