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Anybody need a car?

Thanks for all the bits of encouragement and checking in on me.  I'm doing ok.  The girls are good and we're hanging out and hanging in there.

For those who have been worried, let me just say that my marriage is intact and I'm not newly sick with some serious disease or anything.  Those seem to be the two big concerns floating around.  So no need to be worried.

Honestly, our biggest issue and stress right now is financial, and I know it's taboo to talk of such things.  I don't really mind discussing it at all, but it seems to make people a bit uncomfortable, so I'll spare you the details.  Suffice it to say that we are making some more big changes, I call it Level 4 in our big downsizing that started when we moved last year.  I keep hoping we have no more levels, but we'll do our best to deal as we can.

This brings us to the point of this post...we're selling our cars--at least one but probably both--and I thought I'd throw up some info in case someone happens to be looking for a good used car.  This makes us, especially me, so sad, because I absolutely adore my car.  I talk often about how excited I am to drive it every single time, even after having it for almost 4 years.  It's not that it's anything spectacular, but I just plain love it.  M likes his alot too, but we feel this is necessary.  We've had a great offer from family to get a very well traveled minivan at a beyond-bargain price that will serve the next generation of our family (us) well, I'm sure. 

So we've got a 2003 Nissan Altima and a 2005 Mazda 3 (with low miles) and we really are just looking to get out what we owe so we are relieved of the payments. If you are interested or know someone who is, please let me know and I'll provide further info or answer questions.  If you're not in the St. Louis metro area, we might be willing to bring it to you...depending on how far that is!

Here's pics of the Altima from when I got it.  When it's clean, it's just as pretty, though there are a few scratches, admittedly.

Exterior above, interior below, black leather.

M's is the Mazda 3, here's the driving-out-of-the-showroom pic.
And this is a side view of another color, same car. We need to do new pics of them both.

Anyway, on the chance someone is interested or knows someone who's looking....  thanks a bunch.

And I really appreciate all the prayers for my sanity and mental health during this period of stress.  I have good days and not-as-good days, but we're gonna make it.  I believe God has great things planned for us, and if this is how we learn the lessons that we'll need for later, then I welcome it. 


  1. Sorry that you are going through tough stuff is no fun. Good luck with it all. I hope that you find a solution. :)

  2. Aw, man. I don't need a car but I hope you find a buyer soon.

    I'm sorry you guys are struggling. I think everyone is having a hard time financially right now; I wonder why it's still such a taboo. It's very stressful.

    I was so excited to see your blog in my reader! Please come back soon.

  3. hang in there. i will be praying for you that things turn around soon!!! things have hit us pretty hard here lately, too. we are in basic need mode at least for awhile. economy really sucks for those of us who already have lots of extra expenses.

  4. Hang in there - I don't know why discussing financial stuff is so taboo, but it really is, isn't it? I think things are tight everywhere. You're not alone - and good luck selling the car/s.

  5. Praying things get better for you.

    Times are tough....hubby and I have both been hit with pay cuts.

  6. We are so proud of your attitude! You are a special daughter :o)

  7. Randa~

    I am happy to put it on the Busey Classifieds if you send me the info to my email.

    Let me know!

  8. Sending some prayers, and hoping things turn around for you soon. Good luck finding a buyer for your cars!

    Also, I loved seeing Braska's picture in the SCC Cinderella montage.

  9. Wow...I am so sorry about the cars, I remember riding with you to lunch in yours right after you got it so I know how much you loved it! I think it is awesome that you guys put your kids needs above your wants/desires. If everyone would do the same thing, I think the world would be a much greater place....sounds corny and cliche, but it really is true! Your kids are going to look back on this and realize how much you guys sacrificed for them....which apparently I hear is good because some day we will all get old and our kids will be the ones making the nursing home decisions:)

  10. I'm sorry you're going to have to let go of your cars for a time (hopefully a day will come really soon where you can go and shop for another great pick)... I remember you writing about how much you loved to drive it.

    Hope you find a buyer really fast -and when you do ask them if they need a house in CoMO! :0)


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