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Streamlining the Blogs

I know it's been forever, and yes, Facebook is much to blame.  For as long as I held out and didn't join, now I see it's simplicity (and it's ability to suck up all my online time!!). BUT--After much pondering, I've decided I'm not giving up on blogging! Sometimes a narrative or story will be better served in a blog format, so I'm combining blogs into one.   Intentional Family  is our new all-in-one blog for the goings on of our family, Braska's progress, celebrations, and challenges, as well as the amazing rise of little sister Kinlee. Other places you could check out if you so choose would be our new business  Larae Photography LLC on Facebook  or on the web at , or the page for my hobbies-gone-busy  Just RK Designs . So if there ARE any blog readers still out there, please come on over to the new place and join up for the ride.  All the old posts from the 3 previous blogs will be there soon so you can catch up if you ...
Recent posts

Down syndrome awareness bling!!

After just about bursting from excitement, I can finally release my newest original rhinestone design! Specifically for DS!! Details about how it works,  what it benefits, and how you can get one are on this page... Just RK Designs Or you can find out about how to win a free one at the Facebook page. Share the word, spread the sparkle!!!

Test run for new format.

I've debated this many times before. Using the blog kinda like I use instagram or twitter... Quick and to the point. Heaven knows I'd love to write a lot, but suffice it to say that is not gonna magically happen (consistently) ny time soon. So maybe this will be better than nothing? Maybe not. Maybe no one even does blogs anymore...  I've debated caving in for fb to... But haven't yet. Hard to make changes,  ya know. In the meantime... Test pic is me and my girl, as she sits with me in my "work space" aka recliner with laptop.

7 years already

At the end of a long day, neither of us looking our best, we pause for a quick smile to set as a remembrance of the day. Braska is 7.  It seems unreal. I wish I had time to type through some of the ponderings and thoughts that have been swimming around in my head during the busyness of the last week.  How much has changed in 7 years for both of us… But I don’t have the luxury of that time.  Maybe by next year. Now to figure out what to do with the 20 kids (and their parents) who are coming to B’s party on Saturday at the cheer gym. It’ll be a blast.  Do I go last-minute cookies? Cupcakes? Little D*bbie something or other?  To say I don’t have 10 minutes to devote to getting ready is an understatement.  But what else is new, right?  The girl will have fun, so all shall be right. Happy Birthday, Beauty. Onward and upward.

Photography: Fall. Attempt.

This afternoon I tried to get some fun fall photos of the girls. But they were not all that… ahem… cooperative.  Well, Braska wasn’t.  Kinlee threw some leaves and called it done.  I did get a few that I liked alright.   

Big ole' bon fire

Enjoying a cool evening by a huge bonfire with friends... Props to Hillsboro, MO!  That's M and his two tiny helpers stoking the monster.

Cutest of us

I tell her she’s the cutest Kinlee. She loves to tell me how cute I am, all mushy and sweet like…  we’re gooey like that. (When she’s not being one of the most frustrating little 4-year-olds I know…)  So I do appreciate the sweet times.  Together, we’re the cutest.